where the green grass grows ....

where the green grass grows ...

Beautiful Dirty Rich *BDR*: Ivanna Hair Black [April Release] Sassy, Long, Curly Ponytail Style with Bangs to boot was uncovered in the great inventory search. Maybe it'd be help to draw a map of the closet to find all the buried treasures!

Amacci Skins & Shapes: Katie 'Twirl' *nutmeg tone photo'd* Available in 5 Tones, with bonus cleavage enhancer and dehancer - undershirt and tattoo layers [Group Gift]

.:CoLLisions:. Paranormal Necklace *Potion Bottle Charm on a silver chain adorned with an alien head to the left and a pentacle to the right of the charm*

Acid & Mala Creations:
Smocked Dress - patterned summer shortie, strapless with sculpted skirt attachment. Perfect precursor to all the cool fashions that await us during the swelting summer months. [Zombie Popcorn Hunt Giftie]

For all you Zombie Lovers or Haters here is the start point of this hunt: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sketch%20Pad/57/37/2500
Hunt is short lived, started on June 1st ends on June 15th, betta get on the path while the gettin's good! All the popcorn be yummied up before ya know it.

*** Correction on June 6th to the description of the Paranormal necklace for CoLLisions, the charm isn't the star of david, it is a pentacle. Thanks Guen for teaching me the difference.**


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