I AM Woman!

I AM Woman!

Many thanks to Props N Poses for the uber cool background used in this photo. It was one of MANY!! in a group gift celebrating 1000 members. If you haven't the opportunity yet to visit the store, DO IT! You won't be disappointed in the least.

Hair: Emo-tions: *Alan* / Black - YUP it's a men's style! Slicked back behind the ear, razored look along the sweeping bangs gives it the edgy look that suits any woman of confidence. Alan is unisex if I ever saw it!

Skin: Bare Sensual: Xao Med 4 [May Group Giftie!] Yah, I'm still uncovering the past releases. Can't believe I missed this one. Femine and delicate shades of makeup accentuate the cheeks, eyes and lips, yet Xao exudes the no nonsense look of a woman who knows what she wants. AND Gets IT!

Earrings: .:CoLLisions:. Sublime Drop Earrings - silver starburst accented with turquoise colored beads above and larger drop bead below the circled star pattern.

Necklace: ~Sigma ~ Jewels / Ella Necklace (Onyx) * ~ Sigma ~ Jewels is located on a sim called ... Woman .... how appropriate is that for this post? Honest Engine! I had no idea until I searched up the store for the slurl. Too Funny!

Vero Modero: Vesti - *Waistcoat with sculpted collar, wrist cuffs (not shown), corset belt (resizable and non versions inc.), finely crafted, highly detailed black stretchy denim pants complete with bunched fabric along the calves* [May Release]

Business Casual? Definitely. Vivacious, sexy and smart? Without a doubt!


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