be beautiful ....

For the hands you hold, the shoulders you lend, the lives you enrich, the hearts that you touch ... you are beautiful. We mix and mingle with so many different people along life's path, all giving a small part of themselves without realizing having done so. To take today as a lesson for tomorrow, to give willingly what you know not that you possess, forging a smile with tears in your eyes .... you are beautiful!!

be beautiful ...

Never forget to find the beauty in you! I see it and I want you to see it too!!

Hair: Secrets Hair: .::S::. Fussy II - Platinum [not new, nor free]

Skin: ::Mar::cStudio 'Suki'*1* Tan Skin [Stunning *NEW* Release]

Blouse: Timmy: Black Dots / Lace [Group Gift - bad blogger doesn't know when this was given]

Pants: *BE* Butterfly Effectz "A Whole Lotta Trouble" [Pre-release preview of these very seductive, very cool, very urban pants! Unique scupted waist with open belted front, bunchy scupted leg cuffs and four yummy colors to choose from. Watch for the release notice this weekend from Lady C, she'll make yer fashion flutter]


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